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Milad Mubarak Mazoon -e- Dawat



This Qasida is the english translation  taken from


O Mola, may you live till the end of time; and may you live the most blessed life in the flowerbed of good health and happiness

May the Lord, Most Glorious, cover you with honor; and keep you always as the Light of the Fatimid Imams in Misr (Egypt)

And may The Merciful God make the Nile of their knowledge flow at your hand; and beautify because of you their victorious palace

And may He make felicitous for you this auspicious salgirah, which has brought with it good fortune and rejoicing

The Hurul-Een scatter aqiq and rubies and the most precious of pearls to show their joy

A fragrant musk-scented breeze wafts through the shining Dawat

The mountains of your lofty virtue soar high. I speak of them in private and proclaim them aloud

And the light of your luminous shanaat shines bright. I praise them in poetry and prose

And the water of your abundant blessings (ihsaan) flows copiously. And I give thanks every night and every morning

You are the Dai of Allah, the vicegerent of Imam Tayyib, a trusted king, son of Syedna Taher Saifuddin

You are the successor of Syedna Hatim Mohyuddin, many a time you have visited his tomb, and Moula has welcomed you with joy and pride

I am your humblest ghulam, always fida on you, myself and my family, O my master

May God protect the people who love Mohammed (Aqamola), and annihilate his enemies, the people of kufr and makar (deception and manipulation)

The walayat of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin is my deen (religion), by it I hope for salvation; his khidmat is my occupation, his ta'at (obedience) is my treasure for the hereafter

Salawat upon Taha Rasulullah and his glorious progeny (Itrat). And with them upon the Do'at Mutlaqeen, as long as the turtledove sings its song


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